Birthday Goodreads Giveaway: Finders Keepers

Check out our newest Goodreads giveaway!

J. Jeremy Hicks -- Author

I’m turning 40 this month, but I may have a gift for you instead. Enter our Goodreads giveaway before month’s end for a CHANCE to win a FREE AUTOGRAPHED paperback of the new edition of the Cycle of Ages Saga: Finders Keepers!

Just click on the widget below to enter!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Finders Keepers by Jeremy  Hicks

Finders Keepers

by Jeremy Hicks

Giveaway ends April 30, 2017.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

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Brief Book Reviews #1: Edible Complex by Brett Brooks

Check out Jeremy Hicks’ new series Brief Book Reviews. The first installment features Edible Complex by Brett Brooks.

J. Jeremy Hicks -- Author

Polonius tells us, “Brevity is the soul of wit”, and in our modern society brevity is more important than ever. Especially when it comes to social media marketing and pitching products to a society with a short attention span. To this effect, I have instituted a new series on my blog with the apt, if not-so-original, name “Brief Book Reviews.”

Edible Complex Cover_Brett Brooks.jpg

Sticking with my love of alliteration, I have decided to start this series with author Brett Brooks and his novel Edible Complex.  Everywhere one looks these days, zombies surround us. They’ve become a bigger and bigger part of pop culture ever since George Romero’s original Night of the Living Dead. With the mainstream popularity of The Walking Dead, zombies are enjoying a high-water mark. In fact, Broke Guys Productions joined this craze several years ago when we wrote a feature-length screenplay entitled Night of the Living Rednecks.

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Cycle of Ages Saga Enters New Edition with the New Year

Check out the new editions of the Cycle of Ages Saga!

J. Jeremy Hicks -- Author

Broke Guys Productions transitions to small-print press with these editions.

finders keepers sands sorrow covers together

To ring in the New Year, co-creators Jeremy Hicks and Barry Hayes would like to announce new editions of their gripping, action-packed dark fantasy novels in the Cycle of Ages Saga. Mr. Hicks—acting as publisher for their company, Broke Guys Productions—reacquired the rights to their first novel from Dark Oak Press and published new editions of Finders Keepers and Sands of Sorrow. With these recent releases, Broke Guys Productions transitions to a small-print press for genre novels and short stories after years of serving as a means to produce and promote their novels and screenplays.

Seeking to rebrand their flagship property, Hicks and Hayes commissioned Indonesian artist Enggar Adirasa to supply a vibrant series of covers for these editions. Using Adirasa’s artwork, author and artist D. Alan Lewis designed eye-catching covers that provide a unified aesthetic for…

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Memphis Comic & Fantasy Con is This Weekend!

The headline says it all! I’ll be at MCFC this weekend. Hopefully, books will be sold. Appearances will be made in panels. Hopefully, I will not fanboy too much around John de Lancie! He’s fucking Q after all! Come out and join us in the fun. 🙂 — JJH

J. Jeremy Hicks -- Author

And yours truly will be there. Come find me at the Dark Oak Press table to purchase your signed copies of Finders Keepers and Sands of Sorrow. I’ll be selling both Cycle of Ages Saga novels at a steep convention discount. If I’m not there, I’m likely in a panel. Check the website HERE for more information on panels, guests, vendors, and more.


As part of a special promotion for Memphis Comic and Fantasy Convention, I’ve listed my latest Kindle release, a short story entitled “The Devil & Klaus Kristiansen”, for FREE from Thursday, November 19th to Monday, November 23rd. You can download it from Amazon by clicking HERE.


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From the Slushpile: Some Kind of Way Out of Here (Part Four)

Final part is now ready to ready.

J. Jeremy Hicks -- Author

And now for the punchline…

Alabama logo_1958

### Part Four ###

The sergeant had admitted to being a member of a tribe that had worshipped at this site in antiquity. Had they sought to placate this alien god with sacrifices? If so, had he brought us here to feed the beast, this alabaster being smiling down at us?

“Those are serious charges,” Minh said as he stepped between me and Thanh. “You better have evidence to back up these wild allegations, Corporal. Otherwise, you’ll face a court-martial.”

Taking several breaths to center myself, I steadied my voice before responding. Lien urged me to tell him everything, but relying on the word of a dead woman would make me look unhinged. Of course, I was relying on the word of one, so there might have been some truth to that characterization.

“His hat is foreign. It depicts an American sports team, I think.”

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